
March 9, 2025 11:44 am

Anyone Lost A Rhino?

KISS a Kettle Inspired Short Story.

Flutterby On Fern

That was my first thought…

It’s rural where I live and there are no street lights.

The old farmhouse exterior is wooden slat siding, a smokey blue grey.
The kitchen wall has a set of French doors and two other windows that would beam shafts of light onto the wooden deck and the acres of field beyond.

It’s dark outside, the lights were off in the house, except for 2 baby night-lights that shed enough light, to walk safely to the kitchen without stubbing toes or walking on lego-type objects.
The digital clock on the stove showed 1.38, so it had to be 1.38 in the a.m. I could see one or two soft, porch lights from properties further away. Other than that, it’s on the dark side of black.

Turning on the kitchen lights seemed to have startled something outside.

A brushing along the wall sounded like a heavy roll of carpet slowly unwinding, shluu..fluumph.
There were also sounds of movement across the deck.
Wherlumphf, lumphf, lumphf…as if not being in an immediate hurry.

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